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Results from Vengeance at the Venue 2024!

In the first match, we would see El Taino picking up a victory against Shawn Blaze with a top rope splash.


The second match we saw our first woman's match was Tenshi seals Paris McQueen's fate. Paris hits Tenshi with the facebuster finisher and Tenshi kicks out at 2. Paris then gets Tenshi up and gives her an Irish whip to the ropes to go for a sunset flip, Tenshi then reverses it and pins her while using the ropes for leverage. 


Jimmie- Hendrix Experience and Nolan Bates give the Status Symbols payback. Jimmie Lee gets pulled out of the ruing by Asylum and Random Pain. With Kenny, the legal man tags Nolan Bates and goes to save Jimmie Lee. Nolan ducks the Clothesline from Aaron Black and hits him with a Checking Out Spinebuster. Nolan Bates picks up the victory for his team.


JJ DeVille takes out a disciple. Gideon Haze spears JJ and then goes for a pin and only comes up with two. JJ then gets up by the ropes and Gideon Haze goes in for another spear but JJ sends him over the rope to take out Manson Crane. Gideon then enters the ring to get clotheslined twice and receives a modified DVD. JJ tasting victory then backs up to the corner and gives Gideon Haze a Running Knee for the victory.


Brandon Day picks up a victory over Malice. Brandon clotheslines Malice over the top rope then does a suicide plancha taking out Malice. Brandon then proceeds to throw Malice in the ring, after Malice makes it into the ring Tenshi grabs Brandon's foot trying to keep him from getting in the ring. Paris McQueen runs out and saves Brandon Day fighting Tenshi all the way to the backstage. With Brandon distracted Malice lefts him for a double handed chokeslam and Brandon reverses it into a roll up pin for the three count. 


Bruiser DQ'd Manson Retains. Bruiser Braxton gives Manson a sidewalk slam, goes for the cover. Gideon Haze grabs the ref pulls him out of the ring causing a distraction. Manson then grabs the championship belt to hit Bruiser for the third time but Bruiser kicks him in the gut and hits Manson with the title belt as payback, but Bruiser was caught by the ref. Manson retains by disqualification.


Fulton retains against JVM in a hard fought main event. JVM knocks down Fulton towards the entrance of the venue and then sets up a table. After JVM set ups the table Fulton and JVM start battling on a platform, eventually Fulton lays JVM across the table jumps off the platform crashing on to JVM for a pin fall victory. Fulton then goes into the ring and celebrates his hard fought victory over JVM.



Results from Dawn of Destruction 2024!

"World Class" Colton Quinn wins the battle royal with specular fashion! With the final three being "The Fighter for Hire" Axel Fury, "World Class" Colton Quinn, and The Mighty Asylum. Colton first drop kicks Axel Fury out of the ring eliminating him after Asylum crushes him with a splash into the corner. Then, Asylum turns to Colton thinking about hitting him with a powerbomb but Colton reverses it into a head scissors to send Asylum over the top and to the floor!


In the first one on one match of the night, it pins Nolan Bates against Aaron Black of the Status Symbols. Nolan Bates hasn't wrestled a match since 2016. After looking well in the opening part of the match, Random Pain walks out to the ring. Random Pain tips Nolan Bates, when Aaron Black to distract the ref. Then Random Pain hits Nolan Bates with a Kendo stick and that hands Aaron Black the victory for the Status Symbols.


The second match of the night, we see "The Fighter for Hire" Axel Fury facing "World Class" Colton Quinn. After a back and forward bout between these long time rivals, it was Axel Fury picking up the victory, hitting a big boot turning Colton inside out. 


The third match was a "David vs. Goliath" match, where we see El Taino Take on The Mighty Asylum. El Taino tried to take down Asylum with his speedy offence but it was proven that it didn't work. Asylum hit El Taino with a double handed chokeslam for the victory. Status Symbols are up by two falls.


The V1P Tag Team Championship is on the line in the next match. "The Living Nightmare" Jimmie Lee and Kenny "The Hurricane" Hendrix of the Jimmie- Hendrix Experience versus The Bouncer and Random Pain of The Status Symbols. During the match we see Aaron Black sneak out with a kendo stick and tried to hit Kenny Hendrix with it. But, Nolan Bates comes out for the save. Nolan pulls the kendo stick out of Aaron Black's hands and a brawl incudes on the outside distracting Random Pain. Jimmie Lee and Kenny Hendrix hits The Bouncer with their finisher for the victory. The Status Symbols leaves Dawn of Destruction with two victories with a loss.


In the Semi- Main Event we see "Psychotically Sane" Manson Crane verse "The Heart of Ohio" JJ DeVille. With The Disciples of Crane at ring side, the advantage lies with Manson Crane. JJ tries to fight the odds in a hard fought belt but it was an eye rack to the ref and a low blow into a finisher to JJ that sends Manson home with the victory. Still your Ohio State Champion "Psychotically Sane" Manson Crane.


In the main event to end the show, we see a battle of three Giants, with "The Kiboko Warrior" Papa Dingo, "The 6' 9 and OH SO Fine" Marcus Scott, and "The Main Event Monster" Madman Fulton. We watched as they fought all over the venue in hard hitting, action packed triple threat. At one point Marcus sends the main event monster into the locker room door. They battle back in the ring ending with Marcus out in the ring, Fulton climbing the turnbuckle and Papa Dingo directed his attention to Fulton. He hits Fulton a few times and starts climbing the turnbuckle. Marcus then gets up, exhausted, and hits Papa Dingo with a low sending him down to the mat. Then Marcus focuses on Fulton, looking for a superplex, Fulton then reverses it sending Marcus to the outside. Fulton then jumps off the top rope to deliver Papa Dingo a monstrous elbow drop. Fulton wins the match. Marcus grabs the microphone out of the ring announcer's hand and challenges Fulton to a one on one match May 18th, 2024, at Vengeance at the Venue. Fulton accepts the challenge right way.

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